Zurich, 12-15 May 2022


The questions that move the bike world - we talk about it.

The bicycle is the talk of the town, and that's a good thing. It is the means of transport of the future, but it has a safety problem. It has enormous potential in tourism, but its success is already leading to conflicts of use. And these are just two of the many questions that will be discussed at CYCLE TALKS. Journalist Peter Röthlisberger talks to experts and opinion makers, lets them argue and look for answers. The talks at the CUBE on Euopaallee take place without an audience and can be followed live on CYCLE WEEK CHANNEL.

Mountain Bike Talk
What does sustainable mountain bike tourism look like? How do hikers and mountain bikers find their free space? How should the pressure on recreational areas in urban areas be countered?
Place: Online
Mobility Talk
What does it take to make cycling the transport mode of choice for children and senior citizens, the inexperienced and commuters? How do infrastructures and rules need to be changed so that cycling can fulfil its potential and increase the quality of life in cities?
Mobility Talk

MTB Talk With respect side by side

MTB Talk Sustainable MTB Tourism in the Alpine Region

MTB development in urban areas